Invest alongside Entrepreneur in our new private investor community

Together with our new venture firm, Entrepreneur Ventures, we’re excited to give you a first look at Entrepreneur Venture Partners (EVP) – our new private, accredited angel network.

No charges until acceptance into the program.

What is Entrepreneur Venture Partners?

EVP is not just an angel network; it’s an exclusive program designed for selected angel investors to learn, invest, network, and contribute. In partnership with Entrepreneur Media and our venture fund, we’re offering a unique platform where investing meets learning, networking, and more.


The Entrepreneur Ventures team provides exclusive resources for Venture Partners that will make you a smarter investor, regardless of your experience level. Gain access to live panels, talks, workshops, courses, and more. Learn from thousands of top angel investors and VCs and their different approaches.


Join Entrepreneur Ventures virtual events to hear LIVE PITCHES from top Entrepreneur Ventures deals and Elevator Pitch companies. You can invest through an SPV we manage. With our partnership with Entrepreneur Media, we see 1000+ deals/month and share the best ones with our Venture Partners.


Venture Partners use EVP in different ways. Some want to network with other operators and investors, some want an onramp into angel investing, while others want access to exclusive deals. You’ll meet each other at in-person and virtual events and get matched 1:1 weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly based on shared interests.


As a Venture Partner, you receive exclusive benefits, including a dedicated author page, writing published on, stories promoted via social media and newsletters to our 14 million followers, the opportunity to participate in webinars, a dedicated one-on-one editor, and more.

Writing for

You will be given direct access to their content submission system. You can submit up to four articles per month. If your articles are approved for publication, a dedicated editor will ensure they are posted when they garner the most visibility.

Promote Your Personal Brand and Voice

Using your author page, you can promote your personal brand and voice to our 14 million readers. Establish yourself and your company as leaders in your industry. As an additional benefit, your content and name may be included in our newsletters and social media posts.

Free access to an Entrepreneur+ subscription

Receive a complimentary subscription to Entrepreneur+, which provides you with an ad-free website experience and access to hundreds of premium videos and articles.

Dedicated One-on-One Editor

You will be assigned a dedicated editor to help mentor and assist you with your content. Editors will provide insights, best practices, and monthly updates on trending topics.

Showcase That You’re a Venture Partner

Let the world know you are a Venture Partner. Display your status on your LinkedIn, website, and social media accounts.

Why Entrepreneur Venture Partners

"Our goal is to expand the horizons of our members and network, starting with ELN members. EVP is your opportunity to engage with fellow investors, discover new investment opportunities, and improve your investment knowledge."

Bill Shaw – President, Entrepreneur

How It Works

A simple three-step process that usually takes 1-2 weeks from application to onboarding.


Complete Application

Complete our online application, and a member of our selection committee will evaluate your submission.


Tour + Benefits

If your application is approved, our team will schedule a 1:1 interview and tour to learn more about you and find out more about your background and goals for joining as a Venture Partner.


Submit Payment + Onboard

Lastly, if there is a mutual fit you will be asked to finalize your annual payment, and then our team will schedule onboarding.

We’re excited to extend a special offer to ELN members.

The annual investment to join the Entrepreneur Venture Partners (EVP) network will typically be $4,999. But for you, as an ELN member, this exclusive experience comes at a significantly reduced rate of just $1,999 per year — for life!

Annual Membership

Venture Partner

$1,999/ year

You will not be charged until after you’re accepted to the program.

What’s included:

  • Participate in exclusive panels, talks, workshops, courses, and more to learn how to be a better angel investor
  • Gain access to live pitches from the network, top Entrepreneur Ventures deals and Elevator Pitch companies
  • Invest alongside Entrepreneur Ventures in pre-vetted early-stage deals
  • Invest through SPV’s we manage for you
  • Network with other Venture Partners, both operators and investors, at invite-only events
  • Write and contribute to articles, webinars, podcasts, and more
  • Receive a dedicated one-on-one editor from Entrepreneur Media
  • Promote your personal brand and voice through Entrepreneur Media channels
  • Access to an Entrepreneur+ subscription

Our Venture Partners come from everywhere not just silicon valley

Indeed, our network has executives from leading tech companies, startup pioneers with billion-dollar exits, and seasoned investors. Yet, our community extends beyond the tech epicenter. It includes doctors, small business owners, artists, aviators, bankers, legal professionals, accountants, real estate moguls, traders, and more. Each brings a unique perspective, creating a confluence of insights that propel innovative ventures. Our collective experience transcends geographical and industrial boundaries, fostering a holistic approach to nurturing groundbreaking ideas.

+ hundreds more

Frequently asked questions

What is Entrepreneur Ventures Partners and what does it offer?

Entrepreneur Ventures Partners is an exclusive network under the Entrepreneur Media umbrella. We offer premium resources, events, and networking opportunities. Partners benefit from live pitches, investing alongside us in pre-vetted deals, educational resources, a platform to contribute to, and more.

How does the application and onboarding process work?

It’s a simple three-step process:

  • First, complete our online application.
  • Next, our team will review the application and schedule a 1:1 with you.
  • Lastly, if you’re a good fit, you can submit your membership payment and our team will handle your onboarding. The whole process usually takes 1-2 weeks.

What are the membership tiers and their respective costs?

Venture Partner Membership at $5,000/year, providing access to all resources, including live pitches, investment opportunities, contribution opportunities on, and much more.

Can I invest directly in pitches or do I need to go through an SPV?

Venture Partners invest through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that we manage, allowing for streamlined investment processes in top deals.

How many deals do you review and how many do you share with partners?

Thanks to our partnership with Entrepreneur Media, we review over 1000 deals monthly and share the top 1% with partners.

What are the unique benefits for Venture Partners on

As a Venture Partner, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits like a dedicated author page on, opportunities for your writing to be promoted to our 14 million followers, participation in webinars, one-on-one editorial assistance, and more.

How do Venture Partners network and collaborate within the platform?

Venture Partners have ample opportunities to network during in-person and virtual events. Additionally, we facilitate 1:1 matching on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis based on shared interests.

What is the focus of the educational content provided?

Our educational content is centered around enhancing your capabilities as an angel investor. This includes exclusive panels, talks, workshops, courses, and more, all designed to make you a smarter and more effective investor.

How do the live pitches from the Entrepreneur Ventures portfolio work?

Venture Partners can join our virtual and in-person events where we showcase live pitches from top Entrepreneur Ventures deals, as well as from each Elevator Pitch company. This gives members a firsthand view of promising investment opportunities.

What is an Entrepreneur+ subscription and is it included in the Venture Partner Membership?

An Entrepreneur+ subscription offers premium content and insights from Entrepreneur Media. Yes, it’s included as part of the Venture Partner Membership, providing members with even more value and resources.

Learn, invest, network, and contribute alongside Entrepreneur

Learn, invest, network, and contribute alongside Entrepreneur